Friday, February 26, 2010

Blog vs Wiki

Wiki is a collaborative website which can be edited to anyone who has access to it. Wiki is a website that allows users to edit and posted online document that with the time they have to keep update it. It provides information to the public and at the same time educated the people. In the article “More on How to Build Your Own Wikipedia” by Margaret Locher states that “diverse organization, including businesses, schools and government agencies, are waking up to the benefits of wikis”. In wiki we find any information about thousands of subject. Wiki is mostly use for the public to get information about a subject and it benefits them in different ways, such as, student use it as a preference for their assignment.

In the other hand Blog is a more a journal website. For me Blog is like a social network because you have access to the user information and pictures. It also maintained the user comments in a chronological order. Blog is useful for the public because it allows the users to write whatever they feel. But it does not educate the public how Wiki does.

Wiki and Blog improve communication online in different ways, such as, both spread information around the world. They also can be used for collaboration because they allow their users to express themselves and edit important documents or subjects. They allow their users to share their posted with the general public.

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