Friday, April 16, 2010

The Next New Thing

How many times you need to hide at work or in class to text somebody? I believe that a new thing that should come out is new way of texting in which people don’t have to type a text message. A new way of texting will be that we just have to tell verbally the phone what to write for us. It will be a pretty good idea and would bring a good contribution to new media because people use texting as a way to communicate with others every day. But if we would have this application in our phone, it should help us to communicate faster. We also will not have to hide at work or in class to text somebody because we will only press a button and say something fast to our phone.


  1. I agree that is a good idea. I think they are trying to come up with new ways to text faster and more efficiently. I think that if someone is texting in a classroom or job they will always have to do it in secret lol but still a good idea.

  2. Although that is a very good idea, I don't believe the application will be very efficient, especially the beta version. The reasoning behind this is that most people speak the English language in different ways, some with accents, some with slang, and etc. The application would have to incorporate various minor details. I guess the closest application to your idea would be the "voice command" feature on many of the smart phones being produced today. Just getting the phone to recognize the person's name you are trying to call is difficult enough as it is. However, I do believe the manufacturers will continue to improve upon this matter, and your idea can soon become a reality. In addition to it being potentially useful for the work place and the classroom, it could also be useful for drivers who text! I definitely support your idea.

  3. I think this is a good idea under certain circumstances. For example in class I would want to be able to type a message because its more of a quiet setting but if I was driving it would be pretty helpful because I could text and drive at the same time.

  4. This would be a very good idea because it can allow so many new ideas. I like what Joe said about text and drive at the same time. You can do a paper and text at the same time. It would be so convenient.

  5. This idea is very creative and I like it. It would be so much easier just telling the phone what to write instead of pressing so much buttons.

  6. I think that this is a good idea that some companies are already working on. I think one aspect of google voice is the ability to get voice messages via text. This would be the opposite thing. It makes me think that we are moving backwards with texting; first we had letters and mail carriers, then telephone, then cell phones, and now back to text based messages. Overall convenient, but I wonder what will be the next way of communication.
